The Third Week of Advent
In our last Lighthouse we focused on ‘Hope’. This week of the Advent Season, Christian tradition focus’s upon ‘Joy’. To be clear….not manufactured joy, not happiness (which is different), not the joy of others toward you, but rather, God’s ‘Joy’ for you.
In the letter by Nehemiah, (chapter eight, verse 10b) he writes in part “…For the joy of the Lord is your strength…”. What is this “…joy of the Lord…”.
Rev. Samuel Dickey Gordon (1859 – 1936) a lay minster wrote “…joy is distinctly a Christian word and a Christian thing. It is the reverse of happiness. Happiness is the result of what happens of an agreeable sort. Joy has its springs deep down inside. And that spring never runs dry, no matter what happens. Only Jesus gives that joy…”.
C.S. Lewis writes, “…Joy is the serious business of heaven…”.
So, according to these writers joy is distinctly a Christian word; the business of heaven; and is different from earthly emotional or human happiness. Then, how should we understand God’s Joy, as ‘our strength’?
I would suggest, we may begin by understanding and accepting through Faith, God’s desire to reclaim His Creation. God’s animated ‘likeness in His image’ (Genesis 1:26). To believe God’s desire was significant enough to send His only begotten Son to be born of the virgin Mary and die on a cross for you and I. Whose sacrifice paid the price for our sins, our mistakes, our genetic and spiritual depravity as evidenced from the foundation of the creation of the world (the sin of Adam). When we exercise and employ this Faith and Belief you and I, as Believer’s, are strengthened by the Lord to meet daily life events and embrace eternal life promises.
Where can we find the “…joy of the Lord…”?
God’s joy may be found in reading Scripture, in personal prayer, in singing His praises, in observing His natural creation, even in daily circumstances around us.
For instance, Christmas for many is a time of remembrance. Recalling past moments of happiness as an innocent child; as well as remembering personal losses as we became adult’s. Indeed as we live our life as adults, joy when understood in our human flesh, is a two edged sword. Part emotional happiness in the moment and part sorrow in remembrance. (I hope that makes since.)
However….I must tell you….there is only One Joy which can transcend all our human emotions. This Joy brings greater depth to our human happiness. This Joy lifts us up in those moments of remembered or current sorrow or grief. I am speaking of the ‘Joy of the Lord’. A Joy which is mighty to save; a Joy which is offered to us without conditions; a Joy which is supernatural and yet can be physically felt (emotionally).
This writers Joy begins with the birth of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) as foretold in history and proven by His life actions, His miracles, and His resurrection.
In this writer’s opinion, this is where True, Eternal, Supernatural and Present “…Joy of the Lord…” begins….for each of us. This is God’s Joy for you.
Our Joy was birthed in the past. With the miracle birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Our Joy is alive in the present. In those moments when we cry out to Him for His relief, His counsel, His Joy to be our comfort in our time of need.
Our Joy lives in the future. Where Jesus Christ exists standing in eternity at the right hand of the Father to interceded on our behalf and welcome us home when our time comes. A home filled with eternal Joy and happiness beyond our human understanding.
I would ask you to consider during this Advent season:
“…The Joy of the Lord is your strength….” in remembering your past, in living in your present, and in securing your future.
The Christian tradition of Advent is about “coming to” Christ. Meeting the One, born of the virgin Mary, who came to the world for one purpose. To reconcile God’s Creation to Himself and to provide a way for the fallen nature of His created beings to return to Him….a Holy and Righteous God. He who is the Author of our Joy and our Strength.
Praise be to God!
May the eternal and present Joy of Jesus Christ be your strength this Christmas season.
With the Greatest Respect,
Soli Deo Gloria
LEO BT Chaplain B